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My birth story: coming home
At 9pm on the 6th June 2020, I was lying on the sofa and my waters broke. It was far from dramatic, there was no big swoosh, I only felt...

My biggest breakthrough to date...
One day it just clicked. I felt a shift. February 2017. I was in the very early stages of my pregnancy and I remember walking to Belsize...

The highs and lows of my first year as a mama...
Wow it has been a long long time since I opened up my computer for the simple pleasure of writing. Let's just say that spare time is a...

My birth story: the importance of intention and surrender
Here is my story. I promise to spare you the bloody (pun intended) details. Most of all, I want to share with you some of the greatest...

Healing my body, my mind and my eating habits: How I got pregnant
How I got pregnant? I know you're all a little too old for the birds and the bees story, so rest assured, that is not where I am going...

The truth about my pregnancy
A close friend of mine, and another mamma-to-be, recently posted on social media the truth about her pregnancy and she inspired me to...

I can do anything
Earlier this week, I was asked to teach a few 16-year olds at an all girls school in North London. They were in the middle of their GCSE...

Can yoga help me lose weight?
As a yoga teacher, I am often asked this question. Here's my take on it. Ok so all the experts tell us that in order to lose weight, we...

Are you willing to settle for a life that is less than extraordinary?
I certainly hope not. In the context of this new year, I have been thinking a lot about what it is that prevents us all from pursuing a...

A letter to my 'students'
As this year draws to a close, I want to take this opportunity to say a few words. First of all, thank you. Thank you for showing up....

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