A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR BODY: A Hips & Armbalancing Workshop
We know that communication, appreciation and respect make up the foundation to any healthy relationship, so why would it be any different when building a relationship with our body and ourselves? The first step to successfully talking to our bodies is first learning to listen to them. Listening to our bodies may seem so natural but for most of us, chronic stress leaves us completely disconnected, resulting in a communication breakdown with our bodies. The yoga practice helps to re establish this flow of information. Call it intuition or insight, it is the way the body speaks to us most clearly and honing in on these listening skills is life-changing. Once we are listening, we can start to ask questions, make requests and generally tend to our needs.
Why do we say that yoga is healing? In my opinion this is why. When we learn to truly listen, our bodies will lead us to where the physical and emotional pain lies. Once we have identified the areas that require healing, we can begin to converse with those areas of the body, in the form of our full presence, breath, kindness, and gratitude (as well as the physical posture of course). We can then watch as our muscles and connective tissue begin to respond and soften, and our bodies begin to unravel.
Have you ever engaged your body in a heartfelt conversation?

In this 2hr workshop, we will explore this theme through a strong, deep, grounded and healing Forrest-Inspired practice. We will open up the hips and increase mobility around the pelvis; while also safely exploring a host of fun armbalances. Deep core work, energising standing poses, wall work and a variety of new poses will also be thrown into the mix.
Get ready to ignite fire in your core, build strength in your legs for grounding, breathe new life force into your pelvis, and of course, get ready to fly and have fun!
For beginners to advanced students
£30 early bird (book before Sept 30th)
£35 if booked from Oct 1st
Venue: Lauderdale House, London N6 5HG
10min bus ride from South End Green (C11) and Hampstead (210)
10min walk from Archway tube station
Onsite cafe & stunning outdoor grounds to explore
Workshops are non-cancellable, non-refundable and transferable. You may pass your booking on to a friend at no additional cost. Please notify Nicole via email if a friend will attend in your place.